Verse by Caleb Mannan

If you like Robert Service, Longfellow, Tolkien, Milton, Robinson Jeffers, Whitman, Poe, The Bible, Tennyson, Ray Bradbury, life, death, Untermeyer, Pound, Donne, joy, sorrow, Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen, Robert Graves, children, beauty, Dante, Tom Waits, then set yourself down beside this fire.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Her Voice

For my wife 

When my time has come
for the skiff to take me back over
the celestial sea
I ask for my wife to sing me out
She who has borne our children in womb song
and has created them with light and purpose
in tone of her treble,
she who has the voice of the Valkyrie
and they that cry Holy of Holies,
 I ask that she sing me out
Her voice as a river will comfort my flesh's fear
and sing my spirit on.
Though she may weep that I go before her
as she kneels beside the bed
 I will hear her song as I set sail
then see her face upon the other shore,
for time is no match for eternity
and eternity no match for her voice.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Crows on a horse's back

"Did you see that?"
my wife asked me as we passed a pasture.
"No" I replied.
"There were crows sitting on that horse's back"
she said
but I had not seen it.